Sound Supervision
Where possible, I collaborate with writers and directors as Director of Sound at the inception of the film, getting involved at the script development stage, and is also an experienced Sound Supervisor.
In the maelstrom of film production, it's easy to be distracted from the role that sound has to play; as a powerful manipulator of the emotions it's at least half the cinematic experience - sometimes far more.
Often, sound is first considered only when the picture editor wants ‘cutting copy sound’ to help the editing process, by which time many creative opportunities for audio have passed by; however by having a Director of Sound on board from day one of script development, you ensure that: a) no such opportunities are overlooked; and b) the entire technical sound process is guided by a professional from beginning to end.
Just as a DoP lends an experienced, creative and reassuring hand in the visual medium of your film as the project develops, a Director of Sound does the same for your film's soundscape.
It's important to note that a Direcor of Sound in no way takes away from the creative and artistic input of the other members of the sound team, in fact it's quite the contrary: he or she is there to ensure that this creativity is used to the maximum potential in fullfilling the director's vision.
In the maelstrom of film production, it's easy to be distracted from the role that sound has to play; as a powerful manipulator of the emotions it's at least half the cinematic experience - sometimes far more.
Often, sound is first considered only when the picture editor wants ‘cutting copy sound’ to help the editing process, by which time many creative opportunities for audio have passed by; however by having a Director of Sound on board from day one of script development, you ensure that: a) no such opportunities are overlooked; and b) the entire technical sound process is guided by a professional from beginning to end.
Just as a DoP lends an experienced, creative and reassuring hand in the visual medium of your film as the project develops, a Director of Sound does the same for your film's soundscape.
It's important to note that a Direcor of Sound in no way takes away from the creative and artistic input of the other members of the sound team, in fact it's quite the contrary: he or she is there to ensure that this creativity is used to the maximum potential in fullfilling the director's vision.